UI Frameworks are not simple and can be almost as complicated as learning a new programming language. As a beginner in using Semantic UI, I fell in love with creating designs of websites, but in return, I acquired a lot of frustration. What kind of menu was I supposed to make? How am I supposed to put a button over an image? I we did not have UI frameworks, where and how would we make the websites?
In my opinion, the Semantic UI website was very limited. It frustrated me how they only showed us the different types of menus or the different types of icons, but the don’t show you how to implement it in other cases, such as adding a “shop now” button over an image. These obstacles are what led me to figuring out that Semantic UI is basically based on how to build a website, rather than trying to make it work. I would still have to know basic javascript structures and code styles to be able to piece together the code to my website. This is where the CSS stylesheet comes into play. Maintaining a website and adding all the elements are one thing, but how would your code be organized without the stylesheet? While semantic ui gave rules on how to add menus and how to add pictures, CSS played a big role in using UI Frameworks because it allowed us to manipulate the content of the semantic ui. These two combined allows beginners to organize their code and personalize any content they want.
Through all the frustration I had, Semantic UI has provided me with knowledge of building a page that is designed with the range of settings to use. In my opinion, Semantic UI has an organized framework, which consists of classes for styling and developing website. Semantic UI allowed me to invest my time in loading all the things I needed to organize my websites. Along with this frustration and knowlegve of Semantic UI, I have discovered that my interest in software engineering has grown. Building and designing these websites were something I actually enjoyed doing. When I chose computer science as a major, I did not know if it was the right major for me because I did not know what I wanted to choose as a career. Seeing how semantic UI is implemented and used to design and maintain a program pushed me more towards choosing software engineering as my future career.