Mirror Mirror on the Wall...

31 Aug 2018

Newbie Noobs

As a beginner in Javascript, compared to Java, you can just create functions rather than having to create classes for everything. Javascript appears to be more flexible on programming because it requires a smaller range of simpler commands compared to java. Although Java and Javascript both use object-orientations, Java focuses more on building a program, whereas Javascript focuses more on controlling software application. In my opinion, since the only other programming I have learned is Java, Javascript would be the programming language I would choose because it gets the job done with less code. Personally, when looking at a code for Javascript, it looks like a non-coding person can understand what it being said since it is straightforward.

Language and Style

From a software engineering perspective, I think that Javascript is a good programming language. When I think of software engineering, I think of the systems and networks of things, like the internet. Since Javascript is a scripting language it focuses more on code to control a software application. Javascript can be used with a variety of applications, such as phones apps or websites.

Slow and Steady Wins the WOD

When it comes to athletic software engineering, the stress and effort put into finishing a code in a certain amount of time come into mind. Attempting to finish programs in a certain amount of time can be overwhelming, especially for beginners like me. The practice WODS have potential to help me learn how to code better, however, it is not my style of learning. I enjoy learning by doing things, but when it comes to being under pressure, I tend to overthink things to where I get it wrong. It stresses me out, but I think it will give me the oppurtunity to help me progress and increase my critical thinking skills.